Tue 1/21

Praise and Prayer  -  Join us as we commit every Tuesday to a day of prayer.  6 am by Zoom (link here), 12 pm (office area) and 7 pm at church (Room 202)

Wed 1/22

Women's Studies at 10 am & 7 pm - Join us as we we look at Jesus in the Old and New Testament and learn what it truly means to follow Him!

Sat 1/25

Apologetics at 8 am - Join CJ Reed and Pastor Joe as they lead a co-ed study on how to defend one's faith and help others see the truth of God's word and Jesus!

Sun 1/26

Annual Budget Congregational Meeting - Join us as we celebrate what God has done in 2024 and ask His blessing on 2025.  Download this years budget here.



6:30 pm - 8:00 pm  



Invite a young family for their children to learn God's word and have a great night of fun.  Ages 4 thru 5th grade

6:30-8 pm  



Celebrate recovery is a 12 step program for all those struggling with a hurt, a hangup or a habit.  This a great time of worship, teaching from God's word and break out groups to gain healing for the soul!

11:30-12:30 pm  


January  26


Join us as we celebrate what God has done in 2024, our vision for 2025 and a finance report and review of this year's budget!

6:30-8:00 pm  


Begins February 5th


This is a 13 week support group to come along side one another as we process the loss of a loved one and learn how God Word provides guidance in our grief.